Главное сохранить «имя» на Западе!

by Vladimir Khubiryants on Декабрь 22, 2008 · 0 comments

Весьма примечательная информация пришла  на мой почтовый ящик — рассылка на английском языке от «ПОСОЛЬСТВА».  Важно отметить, что «ПОСОЛЬСТВО» пытается сохранить свой имидж перед западными друзьями и дает кое-какие обьяснения. Самая вопиющая ложь:  Their false allegations have been that Pastor Sunday encouraged people to invest in the company, when contrarily he discourages people from high interest investments.

Это означает, что «Их ложные обвинения в том, что Пастор Сандей ободрял людей вкладывать в компанию, тогда как он, наоборот, убеждал их не делать вложения, обещающие больщие проценты».

Совершенная ложь. Потому что сами овцы церкви говорят, что Сандей как раз ободрял их вкладывать деньги. И откуда столько людей взлось, которые вложили в эту компанию? Разве Сандей не авторитет в церкви, и разве люди не послушались его? Как раз, наоборот, авторитет пастора и «апостола» повлиял на то, чтобы люди, которые не особенно расположенны для закладывания своих квартир (в России и Украине люди относятся очень осторожно и консервативно, вообще, к каким-то вложения и, тем более, если надо заложить свое жилье), все-таки переступили через свои страхи и вложили  туда, куда было данно не писаное благословение Сандея Аделаджа.




And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved…

Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. (Matthew 10: 22, 26)

Dear Friends of Pastor Sunday and the Embassy of God,

Greetings to you in Jesus’ name!

We are writing this letter to all of you today because probably you have heard of the false accusations that have been coming against Pastor Sunday in relation to the economic crisis Ukraine is going through.

However, we do not fear because God’s word says that there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.

As a result of the Ukrainian credit crash, the country has suffered a lot, and was even recently rated as the country that suffered the most from the world economic crisis, being left with the greatest amount of casualties.

Approximately 25 banks have declared themselves insolvent, and therefore received support from the national bank of Ukraine before completely closing.

25% of Ukraine’s population cannot pay their mortgages and thousands of companies went down as well.

One such company that went down was a financial company by the name of King’s Capital; one of the founders of the company being a member of our church.

Even though thousands of companies nationwide failed, the opposition of the church would like to use this situation of King’s Capital to raise false accusation against Pastor Sunday of being involved.

Because one of the founders comes to the Embassy of God church, a lot of church members invested in his company. Even though the company has real estate to back-up the investments of the people, they are not in a position to pay anything back at the moment due to the real estate collapse in the country.

The government is not officially accusing Pastor Sunday and the church, but some brothers and sisters have come out to launch a massive media attack against him to damage his reputation and character.

Their false allegations have been that Pastor Sunday encouraged people to invest in the company, when contrarily he discourages people from high interest investments.

In Pastor Sunday’s own words, .The God Who sees secret things of every man’s heart knows that I don’t have anything to do with the organization, management or finances of King’s Capital.

Any company from any church could go bust and the pastor does not have to be held responsible for that. The company collapse has nothing to do with me or with GS Microfinance Bank in Nigeria, and they have confirmed this..

We are asking our friends to pray for Pastor Sunday and against these false accusations.

Even though these charges don’t have legal consequences, they are raising a lot of noise, particularly from Christians.

None of this has affected the membership of the church — on the contrary the church has grown and there has been better attendance since these allegations started — as they all know the truth and what Pastor Sunday has taught.

Many blessings as the year comes to a close and may God show you His grace and favour in the new year!

Merry Christmas from Pastors Sunday and Abosede Adelaja,

and the entire Embassy of God family!

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